![坂本龙一 Ryuichi Sakamoto – Exception (Soundtrack from the Netflix Anime Series) (2022) [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]Hi-Res、电影原声、高解析音频1 坂本龙一 Ryuichi Sakamoto – Exception (Soundtrack from the Netflix Anime Series) (2022) [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]Hi-Res、电影原声、高解析音频1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/1666098196-ef6ae229a2fbc9d.jpg)
Ryuichi Sakamoto – Exception (Soundtrack from the Netflix Anime Series) (2022) [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]
音乐流派 : Film Soundtracks
出版厂牌 : Milan
发行时间 : 2022-10-14
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 96kHz, Hi-Res
出版厂牌 : Milan
发行时间 : 2022-10-14
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 96kHz, Hi-Res
Tracklist :
01. Opening for Exception (from Exception Soundtrack)
02. beginning
03. body test
04. solar flare
05. atmospheric transformer
06. the monster
07. a message to self
08. monster cry
09. funeral
10. searching
11. food storage
12. alarm
13. a painful memory
14. sewage treatment
15. playing god
16. collusion
17. inside area d
18. butterfly
19. atmosphere transformer plant
20. hidden on the ship
21. what it is all for
22. x10 land drones
23. memory accident
24. framed
25. interrogation
26. pride
27. suicidal
28. toward the steps
29. orientation
30. searching in Area D
31. counterattack
32. being locked
33. occupying
34. detaching
35. the traitor
36. revelation
37. bio authentication
38. hostage
39. justification
40. betrayal
41. operating the drone
42. unlock
43. hangar – hole
44. breaking apart
45. reunion
46. falling
47. pod landing
48. losing oxygen
49. alone on x10
50. ship launches
51. existence interference
52. captured
53. to beanpod
54. fight
55. re-printing
56. oxygen (from Exception Soundtrack)
57. rebirth
58. Ending for Exception
02. beginning
03. body test
04. solar flare
05. atmospheric transformer
06. the monster
07. a message to self
08. monster cry
09. funeral
10. searching
11. food storage
12. alarm
13. a painful memory
14. sewage treatment
15. playing god
16. collusion
17. inside area d
18. butterfly
19. atmosphere transformer plant
20. hidden on the ship
21. what it is all for
22. x10 land drones
23. memory accident
24. framed
25. interrogation
26. pride
27. suicidal
28. toward the steps
29. orientation
30. searching in Area D
31. counterattack
32. being locked
33. occupying
34. detaching
35. the traitor
36. revelation
37. bio authentication
38. hostage
39. justification
40. betrayal
41. operating the drone
42. unlock
43. hangar – hole
44. breaking apart
45. reunion
46. falling
47. pod landing
48. losing oxygen
49. alone on x10
50. ship launches
51. existence interference
52. captured
53. to beanpod
54. fight
55. re-printing
56. oxygen (from Exception Soundtrack)
57. rebirth
58. Ending for Exception
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