![郎朗 – 凡尔赛宫独奏会 Lang Lang Live In Versailles (2015) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 25.2G]Blu-ray、Blu-ray、华语演唱会、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会1 郎朗 – 凡尔赛宫独奏会 Lang Lang Live In Versailles (2015) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 25.2G]Blu-ray、Blu-ray、华语演唱会、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1602350595-41d0e299ca1abeb.jpg)
Description :
Ever since his first visit to the magical space that is the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, Lang Lang had dreamed of performing there. When his dream came to fruition in the form of a special recital on June 22, 2015, he chose Chopin’s four momentous Scherzi and Tchaikovsky’s rare but masterly cycle The Seasons to present to his audience. A studio recording of the repertoire was made in the Salle Liebermann at the Opéra Bastille and the live concert was filmed in 4K in the Hall of Mirrors for release on DVD and Blu-ray.
Lang Lang is a committed advocate of Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons. As he says, “Even though there are not so many notes compared to more virtuosic pieces, the harmony that Tchaikovsky creates within these notes is incredible. His timeless melodies have a kind of pain that he always turns into beauty. He presents his heart, and he holds your heart. “
Lang Lang is a committed advocate of Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons. As he says, “Even though there are not so many notes compared to more virtuosic pieces, the harmony that Tchaikovsky creates within these notes is incredible. His timeless melodies have a kind of pain that he always turns into beauty. He presents his heart, and he holds your heart. “
Tracklist :
01 Opening (1:16)
02 Scherzo No. 2 1 in B Minor, Op. 20 (11:08)
03 Scherzo No. 3 2 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 31 (10:55)
04 Scherzo No.3 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 39 (7:47)
05 Scherzo No. 5 4 in E Major, Op. 54 (11:37)
06 Applause (0:41)
07 I. January: At the Fireside (5:44)
08 II. February: Carnival (2:57)
09 Iii. March: Song Of The Lark (2:47)
10 IV. April: Snowdrop (3:26)
11 V. May: Starlit Nights (5:30)
12 VI. June: Barcarolle (5:38)
13 Vii. July: Song Of The Reaper (1:19)
14 Viii. August: Harvest (3:23)
15 IX. September: The Hunt (2:35)
16 X. October: Autumn Song (6:09)
17 XI. November: Troika (2:50)
18 Xii. December: Christmas (3:35)
19 Applause (1:40)
02 Scherzo No. 2 1 in B Minor, Op. 20 (11:08)
03 Scherzo No. 3 2 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 31 (10:55)
04 Scherzo No.3 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 39 (7:47)
05 Scherzo No. 5 4 in E Major, Op. 54 (11:37)
06 Applause (0:41)
07 I. January: At the Fireside (5:44)
08 II. February: Carnival (2:57)
09 Iii. March: Song Of The Lark (2:47)
10 IV. April: Snowdrop (3:26)
11 V. May: Starlit Nights (5:30)
12 VI. June: Barcarolle (5:38)
13 Vii. July: Song Of The Reaper (1:19)
14 Viii. August: Harvest (3:23)
15 IX. September: The Hunt (2:35)
16 X. October: Autumn Song (6:09)
17 XI. November: Troika (2:50)
18 Xii. December: Christmas (3:35)
19 Applause (1:40)
Issued: United States | Sony Music
Duration: 1:31:03
Duration: 1:31:03
视频截图 :
![郎朗 – 凡尔赛宫独奏会 Lang Lang Live In Versailles (2015) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 25.2G]Blu-ray、Blu-ray、华语演唱会、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会3 郎朗 – 凡尔赛宫独奏会 Lang Lang Live In Versailles (2015) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 25.2G]Blu-ray、Blu-ray、华语演唱会、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会3](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1602350596-d5d3db1765287ee.jpg)
![郎朗 – 凡尔赛宫独奏会 Lang Lang Live In Versailles (2015) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 25.2G]Blu-ray、Blu-ray、华语演唱会、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会5 郎朗 – 凡尔赛宫独奏会 Lang Lang Live In Versailles (2015) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 25.2G]Blu-ray、Blu-ray、华语演唱会、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会5](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1602350596-5ebeb6065f64f23.jpg)
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