![Neil Young & Crazy Horse – World Record (2022) [FLAC 24bit/192kHz]Hi-Res、Hi-Res、欧美摇滚乐、欧美流行、高解析音频1 Neil Young & Crazy Horse – World Record (2022) [FLAC 24bit/192kHz]Hi-Res、Hi-Res、欧美摇滚乐、欧美流行、高解析音频1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/1669643709-1f0e3dad9990834.jpg)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse – World Record (2022) [FLAC 24bit/192kHz]
音乐流派 : Rock
出版厂牌 : Reprise
发行时间 : 18/11/2022
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 192kHz, Hi-Res
出版厂牌 : Reprise
发行时间 : 18/11/2022
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 192kHz, Hi-Res
Given Neil Young′s range and output, it′s just as helpful to describe what World Record isn′t before getting to what it is: It′s not a previously unreleased studio album from the 1970s; an instrumental guitar album a la Le Noise or Arc; an Old Ways-style country album; a romantic stroll through Harvest Moon balladry; a Devo-inspired electronic rock album like Trans; or a mad-as-hell-not-gonna-take-it-anymore rager Ragged Glory.
Tracklist :
01 Love Earth
02 Overhead
03 I Walk with You (Earth Ringtone)
04 This Old Planet (Changing Days)
05 The World (Is In Trouble Now)
06 Break the Chain
07 The Long Day Before
08 Walkin′ On The Road (To The Future)
09 The Wonder Won′t Wait
10 Chevrolet
11 This Old Planet (Reprise)
02 Overhead
03 I Walk with You (Earth Ringtone)
04 This Old Planet (Changing Days)
05 The World (Is In Trouble Now)
06 Break the Chain
07 The Long Day Before
08 Walkin′ On The Road (To The Future)
09 The Wonder Won′t Wait
10 Chevrolet
11 This Old Planet (Reprise)
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