![怪奇物语原声 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein – Stranger Things 2 (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series) (2017) [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]Hi-Res、电影原声、高解析音频1 怪奇物语原声 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein – Stranger Things 2 (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series) (2017) [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]Hi-Res、电影原声、高解析音频1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/1666738690-1679091c5a880fa.jpg)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein – Stranger Things 2 (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series) (2017) [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]
音乐流派 : Film Soundtracks
出版厂牌 : Lakeshore Records
发行时间 : 20/10/2017
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 96kHz, Hi-Res
出版厂牌 : Lakeshore Records
发行时间 : 20/10/2017
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 96kHz, Hi-Res
Just like its first season released in 2016 on Netflix, Stranger Things 2 draws heavily on horror and science-fiction movies from the 80s, especially those by Steven Spielberg and John Carpenter. This unapologetic homage naturally reflects on the show′s soundtrack, which, like the previous season, is created by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, two members of the band S U R V I V E from Austin.
Tracklist :
01. Walkin in Hawkins
02. Home
03. Eulogy
04. On the Bus
05. Presumptuous
06. Eight Fifteen
07. The First Lie
08. Scars
09. I Can Save Them
10. Descent into the Rift
11. Chicago
12. Looking for a Way Out
13. Birth Rescue
14. In the Woods
15. Digging
16. Symptoms
17. Eggo in the Snow
18. Soldiers
19. Choices
20. Never Tell
21. She Wants Me to Find Her
22. Shouldn′t Have Lied
23. It′s a Trap
24. Crib
25. The Return
26. Escape
27. We Go out Tonight
28. Connect the Dots
29. The Hub
30. On Edge
31. What Else Did You See
32. Run
33. Levitation
34. To Be Continued
02. Home
03. Eulogy
04. On the Bus
05. Presumptuous
06. Eight Fifteen
07. The First Lie
08. Scars
09. I Can Save Them
10. Descent into the Rift
11. Chicago
12. Looking for a Way Out
13. Birth Rescue
14. In the Woods
15. Digging
16. Symptoms
17. Eggo in the Snow
18. Soldiers
19. Choices
20. Never Tell
21. She Wants Me to Find Her
22. Shouldn′t Have Lied
23. It′s a Trap
24. Crib
25. The Return
26. Escape
27. We Go out Tonight
28. Connect the Dots
29. The Hub
30. On Edge
31. What Else Did You See
32. Run
33. Levitation
34. To Be Continued
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