2022年2月12日(土)日本武道館公演の開催を発表しメジャー5周年を迎えるPassCodeが、これまでの軌跡を総括した自身初のベスト盤を発売! インディーズ時代の名盤「ALL is VANITY」より「LINK」の ReRecording 音源や、初となるMV集 (初回限定盤のみ)、そして現在開催中の STRIVE for BUDOKAN Tour 2021 ドキュメンタリー映像 (初回限定盤のみ) を収録。
01. Never Sleep Again [Music Video]
02. AXIS [Music Video]
03. NINJA BOMBER [Music Video]
04. MISS UNLIMITED [Music Video]
05. bite the bullet [Music Video]
06. ONE STEP BEYOND [Music Video]
07. Same to you [Music Video]
08. Ray [Music Video]
09. Taking you out [Music Video]
10. Tonight [Music Video]
11. It′s you [Lyric Video]
12. PROJECTION [Music Video]
13. ATLAS [Music Video]
14. STARRY SKY [Music Video]
15. Anything New [Music Video]
16. SPARK IGNITION [Music Video]
17. PassCode“STRIVE”for BUDOKAN Tour 2021 Documentary
02. AXIS [Music Video]
03. NINJA BOMBER [Music Video]
04. MISS UNLIMITED [Music Video]
05. bite the bullet [Music Video]
06. ONE STEP BEYOND [Music Video]
07. Same to you [Music Video]
08. Ray [Music Video]
09. Taking you out [Music Video]
10. Tonight [Music Video]
11. It′s you [Lyric Video]
12. PROJECTION [Music Video]
13. ATLAS [Music Video]
14. STARRY SKY [Music Video]
15. Anything New [Music Video]
16. SPARK IGNITION [Music Video]
17. PassCode“STRIVE”for BUDOKAN Tour 2021 Documentary
视频截图 :
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