![BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场1 BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1640178024-9aeed21a97770ec.jpg)
影片名称 : BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15)
文件体积 : 5.7G
封装格式 : HDTV TS
音轨规格 : 韩语 DD+ 5.1 (多语言字幕)
文件体积 : 5.7G
封装格式 : HDTV TS
音轨规格 : 韩语 DD+ 5.1 (多语言字幕)
BLACKPINK : The Movie is a film commemorating the fifth anniversary of the debut of the world′s beloved global group, BLACKPINK consisting of four members : Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa. BLACKPINK went on to sweep the top spot on all music charts in Korea within four hours of their debut, making a splendid appearance as a“monster rookie.”Five years later, the group has become a world star with their outstanding skills and performances beyond the distinction between the genre“K-Pop”and the“girl group”stereotype. All four members have their own specialties in vocal, dance, rap, and music, but they form a perfect chemistry with each other, giving off infinite charm that is as colorful as Pink but does not lose the intensity of Black.
视频截图 :
![BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场3 BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场3](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1640178025-c1edf8c5da31125.jpg)
![BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场5 BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场5](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1640178026-0418103d79ce29f.jpg)
![BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场7 BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场7](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1640178028-aadd150a102ff5e.jpg)
![BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场9 BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场9](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1640178031-f1ff899bc80ba9b.jpg)
![BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场11 BLACKPINK – BLACKPINK THE MOVIE (Disney+ 2021.12.15) [WEB 5.7G]WEB、推荐MV、韩国现场、音乐现场11](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/1640178034-6d63e9d15aeef24.jpg)
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