![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会1 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632293985-75da8026ef60a69.jpg)
影片名称 : Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) [UHD Blu-ray]
文件体积 : 58.9G
封装格式 : 4K 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
文件体积 : 58.9G
封装格式 : 4K 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
Description :
Free Shooter (Der Freischütz) – A romantic opera by Karl Maria von Weber, libretto by Johann Friedrich Kind based on the novel of the same name by Johann August Apel and Friedrich Laun.
The premiere took place on 18 June 1821 at the Berlin Drama Theater, under the direction of the author. This was followed by performances in Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main (1821), under the direction of the author – in Dresden (1822), then the opera went around the stages of all Europe. In Russia it was first performed in 1823 by the artists of the German troupe; on the Russian stage (under the name The Magic Shooter) – May 12, 1824 in St. Petersburg under the direction of K. Kavos. From the end of the 1820s V. Samoilov played the part of Kaspar, and from the 1830s. – O. Petrov. The opera is often referred to as the first German national opera.
Label : Unetel Classica
Year : 2019
Conductor : Christian Thielemann
Director : Axel Köhler
Performers : Staatskapelle Dresden
Subtitles : English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese (有中文字幕)
Year : 2019
Conductor : Christian Thielemann
Director : Axel Köhler
Performers : Staatskapelle Dresden
Subtitles : English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese (有中文字幕)
Artists :
Sara Jakubiak – Agathe
Christina Landshamer – Aennchen
Georg Zeppenfeld – Kaspar
Michael König – Max
Adrian Eröd – Ottakar
Albert Dohmen – Kuno
Andreas Bauer – Hermit
Sebastian Wartig -Kilian
Christina Landshamer – Aennchen
Georg Zeppenfeld – Kaspar
Michael König – Max
Adrian Eröd – Ottakar
Albert Dohmen – Kuno
Andreas Bauer – Hermit
Sebastian Wartig -Kilian
视频截图 :
![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会3 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会3](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632293989-a73c9f7c4e81ef1.jpg)
![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会5 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会5](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632293991-f52a436880b8833.jpg)
![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会7 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会7](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632293994-a1cc8a52feb1fa3.jpg)
![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会9 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会9](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632293997-546b504cf8c9ef9.jpg)
![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会11 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会11](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632293999-1b14f852cf91417.jpg)
![[4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会13 [4K] 韦伯歌剧 : 自由射手 Weber : Der Freischütz (Christian Thielemann, Semperoper Dresden) (2019) 4K蓝光原盘 [BDMV 58.9G]4K、4K、Blu-ray、Blu-ray、古典音乐会、歌剧与舞剧、蓝光演唱会13](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1632294002-1fd43bb0f1c4b71.jpg)
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