![Steinar Granmo Nilsen & Kristin Fossheim – The Horn in Romanticism (2020) [2L] [DXD 24bit/352kHz]DXD、DXD、Hi-Res、Hi-Res、发烧试音碟、古典音乐、高解析音频1 Steinar Granmo Nilsen & Kristin Fossheim – The Horn in Romanticism (2020) [2L] [DXD 24bit/352kHz]DXD、DXD、Hi-Res、Hi-Res、发烧试音碟、古典音乐、高解析音频1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1624532600-b663e41524e8cc8.jpg)
Steinar Granmo Nilsen & Kristin Fossheim – The Horn in Romanticism (2020) [2L] [DXD 24bit/352kHz]
音乐流派 : Classical
出版厂牌 : 2L
发行时间 : 2020
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : DXD, 24bit / 352.8kHz
出版厂牌 : 2L
发行时间 : 2020
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : DXD, 24bit / 352.8kHz
The sound of the horn epitomized stormy emotions for composers of Romantic music. Robert Schumann is said to have spoken of the horn as being the orchestra′s soul. For poets, the horn′s sound was a symbol of the soul′s longing. For horn players, however, what was at stake for much of the Romantic period was the soul of the horn itself, for it was an instrument that faced experiment and change occasioned by new technology, notably the invention of the valve. This recording explores and illustrates this important era in the evolution of the horn.
Tracklist :
01 – Paul Dukas: Villanelle (1906)
02 – Charles Gounod : Six pièces mélodiques originales pour cor à pistons et piano : III. Andante (1839)
03 – Camille Saint-Saëns : Romance op. 36 (1874)
04 – Emanuel Chabrier : Larghetto (1875)
05 – Carl Czerny: Andante e Polacca (1848)
06 – Franz Strauss: Nocturno op. 7 (1864)
07 – Robert Schumann : Adagio und Allegro op. 70 (1849)
08 – Richard Strauss : Andante (1888)
02 – Charles Gounod : Six pièces mélodiques originales pour cor à pistons et piano : III. Andante (1839)
03 – Camille Saint-Saëns : Romance op. 36 (1874)
04 – Emanuel Chabrier : Larghetto (1875)
05 – Carl Czerny: Andante e Polacca (1848)
06 – Franz Strauss: Nocturno op. 7 (1864)
07 – Robert Schumann : Adagio und Allegro op. 70 (1849)
08 – Richard Strauss : Andante (1888)
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