![[BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频1 [BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610786511-68fd72cdb01669d.jpg)
影片名称 : The Beatles – Abbey Road (PureAudio Blu-ray) (2019)
文件体积 : 16.1G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 Dolby TrueHD 7.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
文件体积 : 16.1G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 Dolby TrueHD 7.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
The Beatles had tentative plans to move forward after the September 1969 release of Abbey Road, plans that quickly fell apart at the dawn of the new decade, and while the existence of that goal calls into question the intentionality of the album as a finale, it changes not a thing about what a remarkable goodbye the record is. In many ways, Abbey Road stands apart from the rest of the Beatles’ catalog, an album that gains considerable strength from its lush, enveloping production — a recording so luxuriant, it glosses over aesthetic differences between the group’s main three songwriters and ties together a series of disconnected unfinished songs into a complete suite. Where Sgt. Pepper pioneered such mind-bending aural techniques, Abbey Roadtruly seized the possibilities of the studio and, in doing so, pointed the way forward to the album rock era of the 1970s.
Audio 1 : LPCM Audio 4608 kbps / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Audio 2 : DTS-HD Master Audio 7525kbps / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 7525 kbps / 24-bit
Audio 3 : Dolby TrueHD Atmos Audio 14109kbps / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 13469 kbps / 24-bit
Audio 2 : DTS-HD Master Audio 7525kbps / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 7525 kbps / 24-bit
Audio 3 : Dolby TrueHD Atmos Audio 14109kbps / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 13469 kbps / 24-bit
Tracklist :
01. Come Together
02. Something (George Harrison)
03. Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
04. Oh! Darling
05. Octopus’s Garden (Richard Starkey)
06. I Want You
07. Here Comes the Sun (George Harrison)
08. Because
09. You Never Give Me Your Money
10. Sun King
11. Mean Mr. Mustard
12. Polythene Pam
13. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
14. Golden Slumbers
15. Carry That Weight
16. The End
17. Her Majesty
02. Something (George Harrison)
03. Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
04. Oh! Darling
05. Octopus’s Garden (Richard Starkey)
06. I Want You
07. Here Comes the Sun (George Harrison)
08. Because
09. You Never Give Me Your Money
10. Sun King
11. Mean Mr. Mustard
12. Polythene Pam
13. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
14. Golden Slumbers
15. Carry That Weight
16. The End
17. Her Majesty
VIDEO : Something
NOTE : 此碟为蓝光纯音频碟 (PureAudio Blu-ray),播放时并无画面,仅有导航菜单 (部分会附赠一些MV)。不要误以为演唱会,请根据自己的播放设备、实际需求选择下载。
![[BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频3 [BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频3](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610786512-b8c5fb931d16926.jpg)
![[BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频5 [BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频5](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610786513-9228d9ae85fd145.jpg)
![[BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频7 [BDA] The Beatles – Abbey Road (2019) PureAudio Blu-ray [BDMV 16.1G]Blu-ray、蓝光演唱会、蓝光纯音频7](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610786515-3de6ad85ac7b366.jpg)
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